How to Live like an Urban Man

Be a social invertebrate.

Devoid of awe:
When caught up in a vicious cycle
of rushing to work in the morning.

When caught up in a vicious cycle
of rushing back to home in the evening.

When caught up in a vicious cycle
of rushing to meet friends, walking
down hill street to clubs and gyms.

Be a city breadwinner.

Too smart for religion.
Concerned dependent on electric energy.

A product of science classically styled as
fantastic fool trying to dictate how

rural man should live.

Be the greediest animal on earth.

Alienated from harmony.
Rapidly evolving monstrosity of

a well built dude popping pills
to get nourished; to control over health.

Be a lonely man.

A stylish gent (finding his niche)
sitting on the news.

- ksm / 2015

Inspiration: "Rush" by Totomai Martinez


  1. You have given a vivid picture of 'the urban man.' Doesn't sound very pleasant though. Being the greediest animal on earth & lonely sounds especially sad.

  2. ugh. sad sad reality....greedy...alone...
    happens to far too many...a social invertebrate...ha
    you may have coined a new term there kelvin...
    i like.

  3. The urban man has a job, a routine but seems deprived of choices and freedom.

  4. Kelvin, is this a different blog? I lost you for a time, this may be why! Happy to "find" you again, with your wonderful verse. I especially resonate with the speed of the vicious cycle in the first stanza.......our society's downfall. They keep us treadmilling so fast we cant stop and see what's happening.

  5. Hmm...sitting on the new....wish we could turn things around and re-examine what is causing what in such a world...and take steps the change it...nice to see you, Kelvin

  6. A lonely & greedy man ~ We have to be careful we don't fall into a urban trap ~ happy to see you Kelvin ~ Hope you are well ~

  7. This really shakes up our perception of what success should be. You know, I'm always so happy to see you, Kelvin. I'm smiling now.

  8. It's the invertebrate that gets me the most with its external shell and its repetition of "vicious cycle." Bitter tone throughout ... I would say that this urban man has to take a vacation or more.

  9. money don't buy happiness... I'll trade all the riches in the world for the richness of friendship any day... it's tough not to get caught up in the cycle that never leaves you with time for socializing, but it is a must...

  10. enjoyed the snippets of a salaryman's life. or maybe i can just relate to it haha. well-done kabayan.

  11. wow...really captured the dichotomy between striving for happiness, and actual happiness.

  12. How quickly it change. To live in the city is something more and more have to do, yet changing us to slaves under the burden of imagined duties. Nice to see you Kelvin :-)

  13. What a raw piece. Excellent portrayal of the rush and greed Kelvin.

  14. The urban man has a lot going for him! Things influencing him are all set. Only people around him are different. The game is the same! Thoughtful write Kelvin!


  15. Your words are a true representation of the "urban man". The images that you conjure with your verse are of a life devoid of the real joy... and thus, melancholy becomes a part of your writing in an inexorable manner. Powerful and thought provoking.


  16. Fantastic poem Kelvin! Devoid o Awe is my favorite part. You have captured the issue perfectly. Cheers!

  17. Kelvin, I am so glad to see you again. You have captured the trappings of success. Climbing that ladder becomes more important than the simple joys of life and once on top you find you are alone. That is not what I would call "success" you are right he would end up a lonely man..ugh..

  18. I didn't know this was your blog Kelvin. It's nice. You depict a sad, materially "successful" urban guy here. I know it's not you. You're rich in spirit, in generosity and talent.

  19. you know that cycle of rushing struck me most here as i feel so often that life is faster than i can walk... that close with the lonely man is tough

  20. the isolated man is a hard role to fill. Suspected by everyone.

  21. interesting progression here... thoughtful

  22. Eerie really how true to life this can be.


Thanks for the kind words!

- kelvin s.m.